NEW DELHI : Delhi Chief Minister Shri Arvind Kejriwal Saturday visited a polyclinic at Saraswati Vihar for the symbolic start of the vaccination drive. He said that vaccination drive for the citizens in the age group of 18-44 will begin in Delhi from 3rd May. CM Shri Kejriwal states that the Delhi government has already received 4.5 lakh vaccines and now they are distributing them in all districts. He appealed to every citizen that the vaccination is not walk-in yet, so please don’t queue at the centres. The Delhi Chief Minister assured that everyone will be given appointments for vaccination and they should get their registrations done online. He said that Delhi is facing an acute oxygen crisis; their demand is of 976 MT oxygen per day but the Center has allotted just 490 MT and yesterday they received just 312 MT. CM Shri Kejriwal said that the Delhi government is cracking down on black marketing of medicines but right now the most important thing is Oxygen. He said that the Delhi government has set up the infrastructure of beds for COVID patients but unable to start because of the Oxygen crisis.
CM Shri Arvind Kejriwal also tweeted “ The vaccination process for those above the age of 18 years has begun today. The arrangements at Polyclinic Vaccine Centre at Saraswati Vihar have been reviewed. As soon as Delhi gets the consignment of vaccines, we will boost the vaccination drive in Delhi”
The Official Twitter handle of the Delhi Chief Minister’s office had put out, ” Responding to the question regarding oxygen shortage Chief Minister of Delhi, Shri Arvind Kejriwal said that as opposed to the demand of 976 MT, only 490 MT oxygen has been allocated to Delhi and is getting only 312 MT. If given what is required, then we can increase 9000 beds in the next 24 hours.”
Talking about why patients are asked to wait outside hospitals, he said, “It is only because of oxygen. In Radha Soami Satsang Beas we have prepared 5,000 beds but only 150 beds are functional because there is no oxygen. In the Commonwealth Games and Yamuna Sports Complex, we have prepared for 1,300 beds; but there is no oxygen. In Burari we have arranged for 2,500 beds. If we get oxygen today the 9,000 oxygenated beds will be ready in Delhi within 24 hours. There is no oxygen. Delhi does not produce its own oxygen, to whom do we go, from whom should we borrow oxygen?”
With regard to the black-marketing of Remdesivir and ambulance facilities, CM Shri Kejriwal responded, “ I just want to say that had we received the Oxygen supplies and were able to create the beds, then an official system could have been prepared. One could also have received the doctor prescribed medicines there. Now whoever is getting whatever is laying their hands on them. The Government is also taking action on this. The enforcement and police teams and the Delhi Government teams are catching hold of all those engaged in black-marketing. But the only way to tackle this is by increasing the number of beds on a large scale, in particular, the oxygen beds. Whoever is falling ill in this disease, needs Oxygen in the first place. The oxygen level drops and the patient needs oxygen. As soon as the oxygen levels of the patient showed 88-89 and immediately Oxygen is provided to them, then their lives can be saved. But the people are unable to get Oxygen.”