Delhi Police has signed Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) with Radio FM Channels – “Radio City” and “Red FM” at a brief ceremony in PHQ. The stakeholders i.e. Delhi Police and the radio FM channels have entered into an agreement wherein Delhi Police will share information/news of serious exigencies in Delhi like riots, major accidents of fire, natural calamity etc. where life & property of citizens is at high risk; and the FM channels shall air the same with their listeners within shortest span of time. Ms Suman Nalwa, DCP/PRO signed the MOU on behalf of Delhi Police as the Nodal Officer for disseminating the information/news.
As per MOU, District/Unit DCsP will share any such information as defined above with Nodal Officer i.e. DCP/PRO who will disseminate it further with radio FM channels for transmission on their respective networks.
Govt News