Rupnagar, May 14 2024: BJP candidate from Sri Anandpur Sahib Lok Sabha seat Dr. Subhash Sharma, today filed his nomination papers before the District Election Officer Preeti Yadav. On this occasion, Chief Minister of Uttarakhand Pushkar Singh Dhami and Union Jal Shakti Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat along with senior leaders of Punjab BJP were present. After filing nominations, BJP workers took out a huge road show in support of Dr. Subhash Sharma. During the road show, slogans of ‘Har Har Modi-Ghar Ghar Modi’ reverberated everywhere. Huge enthusiasm for BJP was clearly visible among women and youth.
While talking to mediapersons, Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami said that Congress MP Rahul Gandhi has accepted his defeat and is now resorting to reckless statements. “People from his party are abusing Hon’ble Prime Minister Modi, which shows that they have forgotten their moral values. They are seeing their imminent defeat. While opposing PM Modi, they have started opposing the country”, he added.
Dhami further said that the Gandhi family has left Amethi and the entire Congress is currently in a state of migration. Targetting Aam Aadmi Party, Dhami said that the Aam Aadmi Party, which came into existence due to Anna Hazare's anti-corruption campaign, is now sweeping away the public’s hard-earned money but the public will never tolerate this. On PM Modi's slogan of ‘crossing 400 seats’, Dhami said that this is not a slogan but a resolve and the people of the country are with BJP to fulfill this resolve.
Speaking to the media, Union Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat said that whatever Rahul Gandhi is saying about BJP is the result of his frustration. “Anyway, Rahul's words are not taken seriously in his party, outside and even by the people of the country. After the historic road show of Modi Ji in Varanasi yesterday; like the entire country, Punjab is firmly standing with the Prime Minister and this time BJP will get excellent results from Punjab in the Lok Sabha elections”, he stressed. Shekhawat also said that the huge crowd gathered at Sri Anandpur Sahib today is a clear indication that every citizen of Punjab is with PM Modi in his endeavour of developmental politics and resolve to make the country a developed India.
Dr. Sharma said that there is Modi wave is there in the entire country but it is even stronger in Punjab. “Punjab is moving towards creating history. BJP will win all the 13 seats in Punjab. Farmers are also supporting us and also listening to our policies and programmes carefully”, he added. Dr. Sharma reiterated that he is going among the public on the issues of Sri Anandpur Sahib, whether it is starting international flights from Mohali Airport, bringing big industries here or making Mohali the IT hub of Bengaluru, while adding, “I will talk on every issue, which is related to this Lok Sabha constituency.” Dr. Sharma said that Prime Minister Modi will definitely come to Punjab and campaign in favour of BJP candidates. “I have full confidence that the people of Punjab will give a historic mandate to make Modi Prime Minister again”, he asserted.